Sunday, April 19, 2009

Leon M Peterson
Edu 1141-91
Discuss the trends in technology and media that you feel will have the greatest impact on teachers and students?

One thing that I would say has a great impact would be the smart board. You can write on them and the smart board will transfer your writing into a document. You don’t need to make transparencies you can show documents right from your smart board. This will allow teachers to eliminate much of the time that is required for preparation. Students get the benefit of seeing how or what the teacher is doing easier from her/his own desk.

List ways that technology has increased opportunities for students with disabilities, for parent involvement with their child’s education, and for building a global community?

One type of technology that is out there for special needs students is alpha smarts a type of word processor that allows students that have troubles writing pen to paper type out what they want to write and once they have access to the schools computes they simply plug the alpha smarts processor into the computer and they have a document that they can print. There are many different types of these words processors for every type of disability or special needs students. They allow the student to interact with others.

Parents involvement and global community I think fall under one title they both allow everyone to be connected. Parents are capable of emailing the teachers; looking up their child’s progress online from the teacher’s web page, keep in touch with all schools activities through the internet.

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